Would you consider being one of the “two or three” with us? Please browse around our website to see the direction and details of our ministry as it is unfolding and beginning to grow. Donations and contributions are greatly appreciated.
*Kenny redirected his career path due to injuries from a catastrophic accident that occurred on January 4, 2021. However, he is still pursuing God's call to ministry and is committed to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with as many as possible. His heart for helping people and God's mission of sharing the gospel to the world is stronger than ever. His mission may look a little different now, but that is OK as long as the direction comes from above. God has been so very good to us
Our prayer is that you would consider become a partner in ministry by setting up a recurring monthly, or one-time donation at the following URL: https://crosschapel.org/give.
May God’s richest blessings find and keep you!
Dr. Kenny & Katy Smith